
This course focuses on the classic “passaggio” or break area of the voice, giving you the tools you need to target this troublesome area and learn to effectively 'erase' it by creating a blend of the head and chest registers. The beginning of each exercise includes two sample tracks for proper pronunciation and technique. Listen to these and sing along and then continue the exercises on your own with the piano. Each time you practice you should begin with the warm up and then on to the exercises targeting specific areas of the voice. Below is a quick outline of how to use this course each day.

Each section starts with a warm up. This warm up can be used before you dive into the strengthening sections of the course, but also can be used as an every day work out before your practice or perform. Warming up your voice is similar to warming up your muscles before starting a run, and enables you to get the most out of your voice without strain.

After the warm up, you may begin the strengthening exercises. The sections on middle, head, and chest voice can be used to specifically strengthen and develop the areas of your voice that need the most attention.

If you are still struggling with the break area of the voice, you will find troubleshooting exercises at the end of the middle voice section. This includes the exercise that helped me to conquer and Erase My Break! I have also included some bonus stylistic exercises for vibrato and the emotional “flip". These can be done at any time and are fun ways to add texture and creativity to your sound.

Let’s get started and ERASE. YOUR. BREAK.

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